I was surprised to read today that NASA is experimenting with growing potatoes in a simulated Martian environment in Lima, Peru. If humans are ever going to colonize Mars, they need to find a crop that can grow in the harsh conditions there.
Why potatoes? According to the story in Popular Science, “As Scientific American points out, a single potato can contain 10 percent of an average person’s required daily caloric needs. They also thrive in harsh, dry environments. With that said, the team will need to test all 100 varieties of potato to see if they provide enough calories and can withstand the extremely dry, desolate landscape found on Mars. NASA plans to continue this experiment at least until March, and possibly longer…”
I have not seen the movie “The Martian”, but I believe that was the crop the astronaut played by Matt Damon grew to sustain him while he waited for rescue. Now I really need to see it!