We are going to be hosting a Grafting workshop in Ball Ground February 8th, 2018 from 5:30-8:00 p.m. $30 materials fee and registration must be received to the office no later than November 27th, 2017. A variety of apple varieties will be provided and MM.111 rootstock, which is a semi-dwarf rootstock. Materials will be provided…
Extension is offering some great classes this year for the person interested in home fruit and vegetable growing. We hope to see you there!
Posted in: Cherokee County, Fruit, Herbs, Home Gardening, Home Landscape, Soil, Tomato, Trees, Vegetables -
The transition of leaf color is full of symbolism and marks an end of the growing season. While we may associate this time of year with death and an end to the growing season it is actually the best time of year to start trees in our landscape. When correctly sited and planted a fall…
The story of American Pillar Nursery is one of romance, hope, and determination. Mavis Houser and her late husband John started their business in 2009 specializing in their patented ‘American Pillar” Arborvitae. Mavis and John met in 2004 at Woodstock First Baptist Church’s Tuesday morning bible study when Mavis was 76 and John was 80. …
The Georgia Forestry Commission’s “Making the Shade Program” is designed to create healthier, safer playgrounds in communities across Georgia. Playgrounds are often in open, sun-drenched areas and playground equipment and mats conduct thermal heat to incredible levels, often over 130 degrees. This program can provide technical and financial assistance up to $5,000. A dollar…
Cox Arboretum Cox Arboretum is a private arboretum created by Tom and Evelyn Cox with over 4,000 living specimens, many of which are critically endangered. In addition to the beautiful plants, particularly conifers, it is a unique and diverse habitat with natural streams, lake, spring and stream fed pond, and over one acre wetland. Mr.…
During a vacation in France last year I had an awakening of sorts in terms of my philosophy on garden design and plant selection. A number of the gardens and public parks that we visited incorporated vegetables like Swiss chard and kale in with annual flower plantings. As an avid gardener and even more avid…