A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

The Using Pesticides Wisely Training will be offered at the Bulloch County Center for Agriculture on March 22 and March 31. The training will begin at 8:00 am and will conclude at 9:00 am. If you would like to attend this training, please call the Bulloch County Extension Office at (912) 871-6130 or email Lisa at uge3031@uga.edu to register. If these two dates do not work for you or applicators on your farm, please let Lisa know and she will arrange a time and date for you come.

For those of you that attended the Weed Control Meeting in Bulloch County on February 9 at the Bulloch County Center for Agriculture your training obligation has been met for applying Engenia, Tavium and XtendiMax in 2022. Anyone that attended any of the Weed Control Meetings listed on the flyer below has met their training obligation for 2022. Please refer to flyer for information related to UPW in 2022.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding UPW requirements and/or trainings in 2022.

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