Ag Economic and Insurance Informational Meeting Wednesday, February 17, 2016 Bulloch County Center for Agriculture 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
There will be an informational meeting to discuss the commodity outlook for 2016 at the Bulloch County Center for Agriculture on Wednesday, February 17, beginning at 12:00 pm. UGA Extension Economists, Ms. Amanda Smith and Dr. Don Shurley, and Clemson University Extension Economist, Dr. Nathan Smith, will discuss current commodity production economics and risk management. Mr. Jeff Lanier, Rain and Hail Agricultural Insurance, will provide an update on crop insurance.
This will be a beneficial meeting in helping you make management and planting decisions in 2016. Please find time in your schedule to attend this important meeting and take advantage of this opportunity to get your questions answered.
Please reply to this email, email or call the Extension Office at 871-6130 by Monday, February 15, so accurate preparations can be made for the meal. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.