A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

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  • Disease Management at 60 days and BeyondBy Bob KemeraitMany of our peanut fields have reached, or are now beyond, 60 days after planting. During thistime of the season it is critical to protect a peanut crop from white mold and from leaf spotdiseases. Currently, rainfall has been abundant in many of our counties in Georgia.…

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  • July Peanut Pointers

    July Peanut PointersBy Scott Monfort (smonfort@uga.edu)The early peanut crop (May 1st) is nearing the 100-day mark. To date, growers in Tifton havereceived over 44 inches of rain for the year and 24 inches since April 1st. Average temperaturessince April 1st have been 1-2 degrees cooler compared to the last 4-5 years in Tifton (see tablesbelow).…

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  • Weather and Climate Update for August and BeyondBy Pam Knox, Agricultural ClimatologistAfter a couple of hot days, the beginning of August is expected to be cooler and wetter thannormal, especially across the southern half of Georgia, as a nearly stationary front is expectedto sit over the area for a lot of the week. This means…

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  • Peanut Entomology- Abney

    Peanut Entomology AbneyThe insects (and mites) that really matter in peanut are greatly affected by rainfall. In this year of pretty consistent rain, lesser cornstalk borer is unlikely to pose a serious threat to the Georgia peanut crop. If the rainfall continues we will also get a reprieve from two spotted spider mite. Unfortunately, we…

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  • Managing Target Spot and Areolate Mildew in Cotton KemeraitTarget spot (Corynespora cassiicola) and areolate mildew (Ramulariopsis gossyppii) are the two most important diseases affecting cotton in Georgia later in the growing season. For both target spot and areolate mildew, judicious use of fungicides not only protects the crop, but can increase yield profitability as well.…

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  • 2 Ways to Improve Fungicide Spray Coverage and Canopy Penetration Aug 9, 2021 | Written by Simerjeet Virk and Bob Kemerait For peanut growers, timely and effective fungicide applications throughout the season are an important tool to manage and protect yield from diseases like white mold and leaf spot. Considering the recent rains and wet field conditions, peanut growers are…

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  • Custer’s Last Stand or Using Wipers or Mowers For Late-Season Weed Control in Peanut Fields (Prostko) At some point, peanut growers must realize that it is futile to continue spraying herbicides over the top of their crop.  Either the weeds are too big and/or pre-harvest intervals cannot be followed.  In that case, there are 2…

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  • Summarized Row Crop Information from Ben Reeves Berrien County AgentCotton Target Spot- Conditions (wet weather, hot, humid, rank growth) are favorable right now for the development of Target Spot in the cotton canopy. When checking your field for the disease start at the bottom interior of the plant. Consider a fungicide application if cotton has…

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  • Sunbelt Expo Field Day That Was Rescheduled for Thursday August 12, 2021 is now VIRTUALIt is with much disappointment that the 2021 Field Day scheduled as an in-person event for August 12 has been changed to a VIRTUAL ONLY experience.While we have given every effort to host the event as an in-person experience, additional rain…

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