Read below on timing for pecan leaf tissue sampling and analysis from Dr. Lenny Wells (UGA Pecan Extension Specialist). Leaf sampling is the most important tool pecan growers have for determining their fertility needs. While soil samples are helpful for checking soil pH and determining any potential problems with competitive uptake between nutrients in the soil, leaf…
There has been some grain sorghum planted in the county and most of it is young with a few leaves and close to a foot tall. A reminder for future reference is to get concep safener treated seed so that Dual or Warrant can be used in sorghum. We do not have many good options…
Now is a good time for peanut growers to pull pegging zone soil samples. This test is to check the calcium levels at a 3-inch depth, where the peanut pegs and pods will be developing. On our runner varieties, if there is at least 500 lbs/A of soil test calcium AND if the calcium to…
Hello everyone, attached you will find some good information about nutritional considerations this season going into calving written by the UGA Specialist and an ag agent in collaboration. Lawton Stewart, Extension Animal Scientist, UGA Roger Gates, Whitfield County Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent, UGA Cooperative Extension This year has proved to be quite an interesting…