Extension Production Meetings have been approved for pesticide credits. There are still opportunities to register for and view the production meetings virtually. Please contact the Worth County Extension office with any questions regarding the meetings.
Paraquat Dichloride Training for certified applicators is required every 3 years by applicators. Many may have already completed the training, but if not, this is a reminder. “As required by EPA’s Paraquat Dichloride Human Health Mitigation Decision and amended paraquat dichloride (a.k.a. paraquat) product labels, certified applicators must successfully complete an EPA-approved training program before mixing, loading, and/or applying paraquat. The training provides important information about paraquat’s toxicity, new label requirements and restrictions, and the consequences of misuse.” For more information or to complete the training, go to: https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-worker-safety/paraquat-dichloride-training-certified-applicators
Information on Using Pesticides Wisely (UPW) trainings will be coming soon. We will share the details as soon as they are finalized.