As we move into cotton and peanut planting, here is some information to take a look at and to consider. Palmer Amaranth Control in Georgia Cotton During 2019 is a great resource to use in planning a weed management system for cotton fields this season. Another resource for peanut growers is the UGA Peanut Production 2019 Quick Reference Guide. It contains information for peanut production from beginning to end. The last page of the guide has the Peanut Rx. Peanut Rx allows growers to assess individual field situations for peanut disease risk and then develop a customized fungicide spray program to optimize production. Industry partners have developed spray guides with their fungicide products for spray programs. These publications and others are also available as a hard copy at the Worth County Extension Office. Feel free to come by a get your copy! If you have any questions, please give us a call at 229-776-8216.