March 2020
Here are few tips for the upcoming peanut season Growers should ask what the Germination % is on every lot they purchase. Bought seed should be 75% germination or above. Farmer saved seed may be in any range. Please make sure to take a sample and submit to the department of AG to determine germination.…
Tifton farmers and forest landowners, who suffered losses to beef, dairy, fruit and vegetable, pecan, poultry, timber, and uninsured infrastructure, will need to enroll in the recovery program. The federal block grants seek to help recover losses not covered under existing USDA Farm Service Agency programs. This means not all losses a producer experienced due…
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It was hot and dry this past year which is a catalyst for Aspergillus Niger (Crown Rot) and Aspergillus Flavus (Aflatoxin). We have been seeing a higher than normal amount of A. flavus in our peanut seed. A. flavus is aflatoxin but it can also be an important seedling pathogen. Dynasty and Rancona are two…