December 9, 2019
I’m not a computer genius but I have been working on the blog site. That is why the Thanksgiving post was sent after Thanksgiving, my not so good formatting skills really messed that up. However, I am almost 100% sure I have everything corrected and if you look at the menu bar you will see…
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Five meetings, five locations, and a multitude of guest speakers will allow this upcoming year’s Ag Forecast to create a larger discussion than ever before as we head into much uncertainty with GA’s number one industry.
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Awhile back I mentioned the new training from EPA for the use of paraquat. Anyone associated with mixing, handling, applying paraquat products (Gramoxone) has to complete the training. Syngenta recently received a label for its new formulation of paraquat sold under the trade name of Gramoxone 3SL (3 lb ai/gal).
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