Scott (392-7681 mobile) and I  (392-0231 mobile) are out in the fields responding to your calls and helping you with any of your crop production plans or issues. Below are some crop conditions as it relates to diseases that we may see  in next couple weeks and you may face also in your row crop production as we experience this extremely hot weather into the middle of next week.:

    1. Aspergillus Crown Rot in peanuts:  Black sooty sporulation on the dying young plant
    2. Charcoal Rot:  corn, soybeans, cotton:  patches of rapidly/suddenly dying plants in the field.  Split the lower stem and check for gray coloration and under the dissecting scope, look for the black “pepper grain” appearance in the tissue.
    3. Nematode damage on all crops and Fusarium wilt on cotton are more obvious when the environmental stress affects the cotton roots.


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