This is the time of year when the 4-H office would typically be bustling with busy young people trying to get started on putting together 4-H portfolios to support their 7th-12th grade District Project Achievement projects. These portfolios are always due right around the holidays (depending on what county you are in) and are the cumulation of a year’s worth of hard work on the part of 4-H’ers who have been learning about new topics, sharing their knowledge, completing service projects, and participating in leadership opportunities. These projects typically lead to an in-person competition held the first or second weekend of February at Rock Eagle 4-H Center.
As we draw near the end of 2020, we would like our 4-H’ers to understand that Junior\Senior DPA in 2021 will be “Different, Not Cancelled”.
Something Different: Portfolios are due later this year, giving 4-H’ers all of the month of December to squeeze in those last service projects and sharing opportunities!
Something Different: Portfolio scores have changed slightly to put a greater emphasis on project work and slightly less influence on sharing\helping and community service. These parts are still very important, but we understand these opportunities may have been limited due to COVID-19. While changes were in the works prior to COVID-19, the timing couldn’t be better to implement these changes!
Something Different: We will be offering online opportunities to share about your project and to learn about the DPA process. We hope this will help you all to achieve the best success possible with your projects!
Something Different: Depending on how things go with the pandemic, you may have to deliver your speech to be recorded and judged virtually. Good news is that the length, content, dress code, visual aid requirements, etc. all stay the same. Also, we can help you record your presentation here at the Extension Office if needed.
What’s Staying the Same? As you read all the things that are Different, you may be thinking “what’s staying the same?”. We hope you will look forward to the opportunity to learn more about your projects, improve your speaking skills, and work towards that ultimate goal of becoming a Master 4-H’er! You can also schedule office visits to work on your projects with the 4-H staff, as long as UGA & CDC guidelines are followed.
New to creating a portfolio? Check out this awesome little explanation video–Jr\Sr DPA Portfolio Tutorial.
Need to select a project category? Visit the Georgia 4-H Project Achievement website and review project category and objectives for Juniors or Seniors.
Interested in the dates\deadlines for this year for our county? Let Mrs. Rebekah know and she can email you our pre-recorded video sharing updates for this year!
Need more information? Contact us at (912) 557-6724, ext. 4 or