Do you love canoing, swimming, hiking, and making new friends? If so, Cloverleaf Camp is the place to go this summer! This summer, Tattnall County 4-H will be offering youth in 4th-6th grade the opportunity to attend an exciting week of summer camp with their friends. The camp will be held June 1-June 5 at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, GA.
Watch our short camp video to see some of the fun activities that are offered at camp: Cloverleaf Camp Video
While at camp, 4-H’ers will be housed in nice, air-conditioned cabins. There will be cabins for boys and cabins for girls. Each cabin will be supervised by adult chaperones who have completed the Georgia 4-H Certified Volunteer Leader screening process, which includes a background check. Your child will be housed with other 4-H’ers from their county. During the week of camp, they will also be supervised by Tattnall County Extension Staff and Tattnall County 4-H Volunteers.
Registration cost for the camp is $360 per person. This cost includes a t-shirt, most meals, lodging and classes. Your child will need to pack a little extra money for the trip so they can buy their lunch on the way to Rock Eagle on Monday and on the way home on Friday. They might also want to buy a snack or souvenir from the camp store. To register, you must pay the $100 non-refundable deposit. Try to sign up as soon as possible so that your child can attend! Spaces are limited and are first come, first served based on when we receive your form and deposit payment. After your child is signed up, you will have until April to pay the remaining $260 of your child’s fee.
A limited number of 4-H camp scholarships to help pay for camp are available. You may apply for a scholarship at the Extension Office. Scholarship applications are available for download here: Cloverleaf Camp Scholarship Application RE20 (ENGLISH)
Registration for camp will be held beginning February 17th at 8 a.m. and will continue until all spaces are full. Payment by cash or check are accepted—No debit or credit card payments can be accepted for camp. You can sign up at the local Tattnall County Extension Office, 114 North Main Street, Reidsville, GA, 30453. The office is open from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (Closed: 12-1 p.m. for lunch). Deposits and registration forms may also be mailed to Tattnall County Extension, P.O. Box 580, Reidsville, GA 30453.
To download the Camp Application in English, click here: Cloverleaf Camp Form RE20
To download the Camp Application in Spanish, click here: Cloverleaf Camp Form RE20 (SPANISH)
If you have additional questions about camp, please feel free to contact the Tattnall County Extension Staff at (912) 557-6724.