The temperature around the region is finally starting to drop and become more fall-like. I joke with my family back in Kentucky that we only have two seasons here; summer and diet summer. Jokes aside, this weather is some of my personal favorite. We can finally stand outside for more than 2 minutes without the…
At the extension office I get calls about bees pretty regularly. I have always enjoyed working with bees and never turn down an opportunity to talk to someone about bees. A lot of people are just curious about bees in general and how they work. One topic in particular peaks a lot of people’s interest,…
Posted in: Beekeeping -
One of the benefits of having your own beehives is that sweet honey after a good harvest. Opening up the hive and cutting off a chunk of fresh comb is just one of the few little things in life that beekeepers get to enjoy. Taking that honey and extracting it, bottling it and having others…
Posted in: Beekeeping -
I still get amazed when I go back home to visit my grandparents and visit the “honey house”. Over the years my grandpa has upgraded our equipment and made harvesting honey a much simpler task. We run a 72-frame extractor that unloads hundreds of pounds at once and is a huge time saver. Now that…
Posted in: Beekeeping -
A really hot topic that’s been flying around the last few years has been pollinators. From butterflies, to native bees, everyone in the last five or ten years has heard about their decline and importance. Every 1st grade class between here and Athens has been raising monarchs to release like its going out of style…
Posted in: Beekeeping