Meetings and Field Days
There are lots of programs coming up for our beef cattle producers!!!! Our Jeff Davis County Cattle Production Meeting is set for March 1st at noon. Sign up by the 25th if you plan to join us at the Hazlehurst Golf Course and Civic Center. The Tifton Beef Cattle Short Course is also on March…
If you missed the 2022 Ag Forecast you can view the recordings here: General Session: Livestock/Poultry: Row Crop: Horticulture: Forestry:
Posted in: Meetings and Field Days -
Below is our Jeff Davis County Extension Production Meeting Schedule for 2022. I hope that you find benefit in attending these meetings to get up-to-date information for your farming operations. Private and Commercial Pesticide Applicators will receive 1 hour re-certification credits. Contact our office to sign up for these events at least two days before…
Posted in: Meetings and Field Days -
2022 GA Corn Short Course and Annual Meeting Ga Corn Growers Dec 14 at the TC Conference Center in Tifton 8:00-8:15 – Registration 8:15-8:30 – Welcome UGA Crop and Soil Science Dept Head, Dr. Timothy Grey 8:30-9:00 – Dr. Simer Virk – Precision Ag in Corn production 9:00-9:30 – Dr. Eric Prostko – Weed control…
Check out this flyer for info on the Forestry Meeting and Field Day in Lyons at the Vidalia Onion & Vegetable Research Center. Master Timber Harvesters CLE and CFE (5 hrs) and GA Pesticide Credits Available
For landowners who intend to plant pecan trees this will be a great field day to attend: Date: October 7th Time: 10:00 – 12:00 Location: Vidalia Onion Research Center (8163 Hwy 178 Lyons) Topics Include: Terra-Sorb-UGA Fertilizer Trial Insecticide Drench Trial Pecan Budmoth Efficacy and Timing Trial Drip vs. Micro sprinkler Irrigation Set Up Soil…
There is lots going on with UGA Forages! Look below for all of the upcoming meetings, workshops and contests. Southeastern Hay Contest- Entries due September 1st Entries must be postmarked by 9/1/21 to be considered for the 2021 contest. For more information please visit: Southeastern Hay Shortcourse – September 2nd Hands-on short course in…
On Wednesday September 8th 2021 in Tifton, GA the UGA Cotton and Peanut Teams will be hosting 2021’s UGA Cotton & Peanut Research Field Day. This annual event provides an excellent opportunity for anyone who is interested in learning more about our two most widely planted row crops here in Georgia. We have planned a day…
Pesticide applicators who plan to use auxin herbicides in 2021 will need to attend a virtual UPW Training. Here are the details: AUXIN TRAINING REQUIREMENTS – GEORGIA 2021 Engenia, FeXapan, Tavium, XtendiMax 1. All applicators driving the tractor/sprayer applying these herbicides must attend Using Pesticides Wisely during 2021 prior to using these products! 2.…
Registration is now open for the 2021 Virtual Pecan Production Meetings. You must register to view and participate. To register click on the link or picture below. You choose the meeting date that fits your schedule and enter your information. A confirmation email will be delivered to you after registration. Then, on the day of…