A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Jeff Davis County Extension

See the below letter from Dow regarding the EPA comment period:

Dear Valued Partner,

You might have already received this information from another colleague or business partner, but just for good measure I wanted you to receive it from me as well. Please see the notice below relating to the current EPA comment period regarding chlorpyrifos and a proposed action by the EPA. At this time, we would expect that chlorpyrifos would still be available to growers through 2017. However, this comment period is critical for the future of chlorpyrifos. The EPA is proposing  to eliminate all food tolerances for Chlorpyrifos.

Please take a few minutes to sign the petition relating to any and all crops you work with by visiting www.chlorpyrifos.com/petitionThis is the last opportunity for growers to have their voice heard by the EPA. The public comment period will close on January 17, 2017.

We appreciate your continued business and support as we strive to keep valuable tools in the hands of America’s farmers. As always, please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.


Whitney Murphy

Crop Protection and Telone Sales Representative

Mobile: 912.678.2705

Dow AgroSciences LLC

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