Private and Commercial Pesticide Applicators will receive 1 hour re-certification credit for all meetings except the Ag Economics and Precision Ag Meetings. A meal will also be provided with the Production Meetings. For meetings in RED we must have an accurate head count for the meal so please call our office to sign up at least two days before the meeting.
Wheeler County Extension/4-H
16 W Forest Ave, Suite 109 • Alamo, GA 30411 • 912-568-7138 Phone • 912-568-1768 Fax
Jan 7- Peanut Production Meeting Southern Star Grill- McRae 12:00 noon
Jan 27- Fruit & Veg Production Meeting Southern Star Grill- McRae 12:00 noon
Feb 3- Corn Production Meeting Southern Star Grill- McRae 6:00 pm
Feb 5- Ag Economics Meeting Montgomery County 12:00 noon
(Crop Comparison Tool and Staplcotn) Adult Literacy Center
Feb 8- Cotton Production Meeting Southern Star Grill-McRae 6:00 pm
Mar 9- Precision Agriculture Meeting Southern Star Grill-McRae 12:00 noon
(Precision Ag explained, data
management, and data analysis)
Mar 17- Pecan Production Meeting Captains Corner- Vidalia 12:00 noon