Insect Management
We’re seeing different issues on young and newly planted trees we want to share. These issues relate to insect damage and nutritional problems. It is common to see many of these issues in newly planted trees. Insect Damage For young trees, Ambrosia beetle and pecan budmoth are our most consistent insect pests. The Ambrosia season…
The 2022 Pecan spray guides are available on the UGA Pecan website or directly at: Presentations given by Andrew, Jason, and myself at the 2022 county production meetings are available here:
I’ve talked to growers from Fort Valley, Hancock County to South Georgia who have identified Ambrosia beetles being very active this wee. Once we have consistent warm days, the adults start flying. If you have had problems with this pest before OR if you have newly planted trees, it is likely a good idea to…
Posted in: Insect Management -
Now that Pawnees have shell hardened and we approach shell hardening on most other varieties in the next week, it is time to start thinking seriously about managing stink bugs and weevils. Prior to shell hardening these pests simply knock nuts off the trees as they feed or lay eggs. Going forward after shell hardening,…
Posted in: Insect Management -
Many calls we are receiving about spittlebugs in pecan orchards at this time. It is easy to spot the immature stage of the insect which creates a ‘spittle’ mass to protect themselves from enemy insects and also from drying out. This insect is listed as a pest of pecan in our Southeastern Pecan Grower’s Handbook.…
Posted in: Insect Management -
Pecan Budmoth Following a cool April, we are seeing budmoth pressure increase. At the UGA Vidalia Onion Research farm, our trees sprayed in early April look great. However, I left one row non-sprayed so I could replicate a budmoth insecticide efficacy trial we were doing in Montgomery County. The Montgomery trial was sprayed April 8th…
Posted in: Insect Management -
The pecan nut casebearer moths are flying now. Starting last weekend and through this week, many locations have reached ‘biofix’ catching moths for two consecutive days. Thank you to all county agents, growers and our USDA counterparts who checked traps the past few weeks. I will clarify how to use the online model and discuss…
Posted in: Insect Management