
  • This is a topic that I’ve harped on quite a bit through the years but its hard to convince growers they can hold off certain nutrients when pecan prices are high. Now that prices are lower than we would like and cost of production is higher than we would like, many growers are looking for…

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  • Time for Leaf Sampling

    It is once again time to pull your pecan leaf samples. Given the slim profit margin for growing pecans at this time, leaf samples (and soil samples) are some of the most important tools available to growers to ensure the health of their trees and determine exactly what fertilizer inputs they actually need each season.…

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  • N-Fertilizer Injection We are in the middle of fertilization season again and many are choosing to inject their N through the irrigation system. This is a great way to fertilize pecan trees with N. It’s cheaper and allows you to spoon feed them a little at the time through the season. The trees respond well…

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  • Foliar Sulfur sprays applied in June and July have been shown to provide several benefits for pecan production, including suppression of mite populations and an increase in nut size. Sulfur may also aid in the suppression of some minor foliar diseases, and there is some evidence that it may aid in scab suppression on cultivars…

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  • Temperatures across Georgia have increased dramatically this week following a cool spring. The thermometer has climbed above 90 every day this week and the forecast is for 96 degrees today. Each year when this happens, we begin to get leaves scorching on young trees and see some die-back here and there. Those calls have already…

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  • We’re seeing different issues on young and newly planted trees we want to share. These issues relate to insect damage and nutritional problems. It is common to see many of these issues in newly planted trees. Insect Damage For young trees, Ambrosia beetle and pecan budmoth are our most consistent insect pests. The Ambrosia season…

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