Velvetbean caterpillar
After thrips, foliage feeding caterpillars are the most often treated insect pest in Georgia peanut fields. While it is certainly not uncommon for caterpillar infestations to reach the economic threshold (the threshold ranges from 4 to 8 caterpillars per row foot depending on crop condition), not every peanut field in the state will need to…
Among the items on a long list of things that will need attention after this week’s storm has passed is scouting peanut fields for insect pests. We are already experiencing higher than “normal” caterpillar pressure this year, and we are now entering the portion of the season when velvetbean caterpillar and soybean looper typically show…
Velvetbean caterpillars (VBC) have become abundant in Georgia peanut fields over the last 10 days. Growers that do not have a scout or consultant should check their fields for infestations TODAY. Over the course of the last week I have seen fields stripped to bare stems and have heard of caterpillar counts up to 15…
Georgia peanut growers need to check their fields this week for velvetbean caterpillar (VBC) infestations. Moths have been present for several weeks, and populations of caterpillars are now at threshold in many fields. A field of mine that has not been treated with insecticide was averaging 20 caterpillars per row foot on Monday afternoon (31…
Posted in: Velvetbean caterpillar -
Velvetbean caterpillar (VBC) numbers are on the rise across south Georgia, and this is a good time to remind growers who may not have a professional crop consultant or scout that they need to check their fields for insect pests. Velvetbean caterpillar populations should be relatively easy to manage, but overlooking an infested field can…
Here is an entry I wrote last week and realized today that I never published it… Things have been relatively quiet in terms of insect pressure in most peanut fields so far in 2017, but that could change quickly. I have been getting reports of heavy caterpillar pressure in some areas of Florida, and agents…
One of the last things a peanut grower wants to do is make an insecticide application in late September, and it is one of the last things that I want to recommend. We still have fields in Georgia with velvetbean caterpillar (VBC) infestations, and populations in some fields are high. The question that we get…