Phil Brannen

  • Abound and Apples — Phytotoxicity Issues

    Some of our peach producers also produce apples.  Abound fungicide has significant phyto issues on apples (see below from the label).  With my previous post on blossom blight, you can substitute Merivon or Pristine for Abound when controlling early-season green fruit rot — if you want to also use the same sprayer on apples. Merivon…

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  • Blossom Blight and Suggested Spray Plans

    As many of you know, blossom blight is prevalent this year.  It is not present on all peach varieties to the same degree, but many varieties are inundated with Monilinia fructicola (brown rot) spores on the blooms, many of which are gummed and forming cankers.  In some cases, the cankers are girdling stems and resulting…

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  • This is largely a repeat blog post from last year.  I have changed the hurricane name, but otherwise, all remains the same. Hurricane Michael will probably move relatively quickly through Georgia, but I fear it will have substantial winds as it moves through.  It will likely cause damage to peach orchards through the Coastal Plains…

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  • Phony Peach

    Based on observations at the Byron USDA station (pathology blocks) and Fort Valley State (Jeff Cook orchards), phony peach appears to be increasing in importance (see photos below; short, squat trees are phony peach trees).  I suspect this could be related to two really warm consecutive winters, increased vector numbers (sharpshooters), and less insecticide applications…

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  • Hurricanes and Phytophthora Damage

    Unfortunately, it does look like Georgia will experience pretty high winds from hurricane Irma as it passes north. In addition to the direct damage to trees, tree decline and death over time can be a direct result of hurricanes and tropical storms. High winds whip young trees from side-to-side like large pom-poms, since leaves are still present,…

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  • Based on recent discussions of low chill hours accumulated, it appears that we could have a protracted bloom and shuck split, etc., all of which is very problematic to peach spray programs.  If this is the case, I am probably not telling you anything you do not already know, but as long as peaches are…

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  • From what I have been told, there may be a shortage of oxytetracycline products this year, due to the use of this antibiotic in Florida for potential control of citrus greening.  All of this is occurring at a time in which we can expect ideal conditions for bacterial spot development (warm to hot and wet…

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