Our normal peak bloom in middle Georgia is March 14th. Of course this will vary by variety and location. Another factor that affects bloom timing is late winter temperatures and chill hours. Chill hours are the number of hours below 45⁰F that a peach tree requires to overcome dormancy. All cultivars (varieties) can be classified by the number of chill hours they require.
It is important to match varieties that you plant to the normal chill hours received in your area. This varies widely across Georgia but figures can easily be determined using UGA’s Automated Weather Network. You can go to https://weather.uga.edu/ and pull up weather data from Blairsville to Valdosta.
On the home page find a weather station near your orchard and click the icon. The 5th choice in the middle row is Chilling Hours Calculator. Click Here and it will show you the chill hours for your location. It also gives some historical data that can help when selecting a cultivar to plant in your area.