I’m reaching out to share UGA’s latest flyer promoting the FREE couple relationship education opportunity to military families in Georgia. I kindly request that you continue to share this resource via all available channels (social media, word of mouth, flyers, email distro lists, etc). Please respond with the quantity and mailing address if printed flyers would be helpful.

Please share the updated flyer within your communities. If you need these materials printed contact, Laura Goss, at laurwalt@uga.edu. UGA Extension through grant funds is happy to cover printing costs, as needed.

A reminder of the program (in brief):

  – The workshops teach practical strategies and tools to strengthen couple relationships.

   – The workshops are open to all military-affiliated couples (AD, Guard, Reserve, Veteran, DoD employee), married and unmarried.

   – There are virtual and in-person options across Georgia (see https://www.fcs.uga.edu/elevatecouples/apply for options)

   – Many in-person classes offer childcare and food.

   – Couples can receive up to $350 compensation for completing the program and participating in research evaluating the program.

   – The program is funded by the federal Healthy Marriage Initiative and directed by faculty in the Department of Human Development and Family Science at the University of Georgia.

   – To learn more about the program, visit https://www.fcs.uga.edu/elevatecouples/military-couples

THANK YOU for your efforts, big and small, in helping us expand our military connections and get the word out to military families.