Recent Posts
In a March 2019 call to volunteers, State Coordinator Sheri Dorn began a project that has been long in the making. A Trellis blog post began, “Ever noticed that our gardens are reflective of the people, trips, events, and celebrations that are important to us? The plants in our gardens are much like pieces of…
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Have you heard the exciting news?! The Master Gardener Statewide store is live and ready for shopping with branded apparel and accessories! That’s right, order exclusive Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program merchandise of your choice online and enjoy quick shipping directly to your home! Review the instructions on the ordering homepage and fill your cart…
Posted in: Volunteering -
Registration is open for the 2024 annual Georgia Master Gardener Association (GMGA) conference, October 4-5, on the UGA Griffin campus! A team of Henry County Master Gardener Extension Volunteers have done some incredible work to plan this year’s conference and you’ll want to be a part of conference events from start to finish, including pre-conference…
Posted in: Continuing Education and Awareness -
Can you believe it?! Our Open Garden Days are coming to an end! It has been an absolute blast celebrating the GA MGEV Program’s 45th anniversary through special garden events planned by Master Gardeners and Extension program coordinators. While these events are ending, know that MGEVs in your county are in these gardens throughout the…
Posted in: Projects -
Is your garden passport filling up? There are many gardens left to visit! Each time you visit a garden, complete the evaluation survey to be entered in a drawing for prizes. Be sure to include your name and email address at the end of the survey so that we can contact you if you win. One prize…
Posted in: Projects -
We are over halfway through the month and may be nearing the end of our month long celebration, but there are still plenty of chances for you to visit MGEV demonstration gardens, learn a thing or two about plants, and win a prize! This week, join us in Fayette on the 17th or Fulton County…
Posted in: Projects -
We know you know – it’s the GA MGEV Program’s 45th birthday and we have been celebrating with garden parties! And, the party continues all month long! Join us in Athens, Chatham, Carroll or Glynn County for this week’s garden events! Check our garden guide for a complete schedule. On Tuesdays, demonstration gardens in Carroll…
Posted in: Projects -
As you visit gardens during Open Garden Days, remember your passports! Print your own copy from the last page of the garden guide. Each garden has a unique stamp. Be sure to get your passport stamped at every garden you visit! In addition, each time you visit a garden, complete the evaluation survey to be…
Posted in: Projects -
It’s our 45th birthday, and we are feeling young, energized, and excited to celebrate in the garden! And, the Georgia Master Gardener program has accomplished SO much through connecting people and plants in its years of thriving within Georgia communities. We also look forward to continuing to grow as projects, lessons, and workshops are planned…
Posted in: Projects -
Georgia Master Gardeners, help protect your community from wildfire with a training on fire-resistant landscaping. This six-week (July 20 – August 31, 2024), user-friendly online course includes videos and activities for completion for Advanced Training credit of 6 hours. A printed, full color, spiral bound workbook is shipped UPS to class participants prior to the…