In Troup County, Master Gardener Extension Volunteers (MGEVs) have been involved with the Junior Master Gardener (JMG) program for over 15 years. The program has been present in seven different schools and has served 326 children. In 2016, Troup MGEVs focused on teaching students at Rosemont Elementary School. At Rosemont Elementary School, the JMG program…
Lockerly Arboretum, an almost 50-acre property open to the public free of charge, six days a week, has served the Milledgeville and Middle Georgia area since 1965. The site contains not only an American Conifer Society Reference Garden, but also a diverse collection of trees and plants from around the world, as well as a…
Ever thought about what leadership looks like for MGEVs? We had a very interesting conversation about just that last Friday at the Leadership Advanced Training held in Marietta. Simon Sinek’s Start with Why provided the foundation for the day’s training, led by Dr. Rochelle Sapp, UGA Specialist for Leadership Development. At the close of interactive…
The James E. McGuffey Nature Center was developed in Coweta County in the early 2000s. The McGuffey Nature Center and Trails are located on 17 acres of the Coweta County Fairgrounds property in Newnan, Georgia. Six trails are associated with the Nature Center: Purple Accessible Paved Trail, Red, Blue, Orange, Yellow and Green unpaved trails.…
Joined by the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC), The Atlanta Food Bank, and Kaiser Permanente, the City of Morrow established a plan for a Lifelong Community garden in Clayton County. The purpose of creating this community garden was to establish a community building unit that could be upheld as a Lifelong Community in Morrow. In 2012,…