We got the impression that you were curious about the Grow Strong! agenda for April 9, 2019. So, we thought we’d share some details! We use our Grow Strong! updates to find out what the latest research is telling us as it relates to our five state initiatives. This year, you get a bonus speaker…
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We’ve been getting a lot of questions about continuing education requirements for MGEVs. Glad you asked! You’ll note in our updated Program Policies that “MGEVS are encouraged to seek at least 6 hours of continuing education each year and report it within MGLOG.” For the past several years, we have been moving toward the habit of…
We have been working on a few innovations for the Georgia MGEV Program that you might find interesting! Since most of you reading this post are beyond the training phase, you might not know about these projects unless I tell you here. Did you know about our new program application? For the last year and…
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This fall, we have been working to put Georgia MGEV projects on the the Georgia map. Literally! Since we started the mapping project in late August, we have had more than 100 projects logged in to the site. Though we have MGEV programs in nearly 60 counties, and more than 1400 active MGEV projects…
During Volunteer Appreciation Week in April, we celebrated at Southern Belle Farm. We had some silly fun by making up “Master Gardener MAD LIBS.” If you are unfamiliar with MAD LIBS, understand that it’s a play on “AD LIB,” as in make it up as you go along. The body of the story is provided,…
Have you heard about the MGEV mapping project? Affectionately known as “ProjectMapIt!,” this project will take place during summer and fall of 2018. Project Coordinators are ideal people to answer the questions about each MGEV project. We will use an online link that can be clicked to tell us about the physical location of the project…
In odd-numbered years, Extension Master Gardener volunteers from all over the country gather together for the International Master Gardener Conference. The conferences are terrific! The first one I attended was in 1997 in Sacramento, CA. I still use my copy of Renee Shepherd’s cookbook that I received as a door prize! Last year, Sarah and…
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On July 14, 2018, Georgia Master Gardener Association, the state association of Master Gardeners, gathered in Atlanta for their annual conference. If you weren’t there, you sure missed lots of good stuff, including a presentation by Staci Catron and Mary Anne Eaddy about their book, Seeking Eden. MGEVs from Fulton County were instrumental in the…
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Whew! We had a mess this morning because we were trying to host too many things at one time! We have the school gardens Advanced Training happening on Thursday mornings in June, so we had a problem with also hosting Thoughtful Thursday at the same time. So, my deepest apologies for all of the confusion…
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Just a reminder that Risk Management Training (RMT) will update once again this summer. All MGEVs and Trainees (as well as employees) are required to complete the training, even if you have just recently completed the 2017 version. Starting in July, MGEVs will be able to log into their MGLOG accounts and gain access to…
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