Have you heard about the recordkeeping system being built for the Georgia MGEV Program? A team of Agents and Program Assistants who work with MGEV programs contributed to the design of the system. It is tailored to meet many needs of the Georgia volunteer program. I am so excited about what it offers us! Here’s an inside track:
- For MGEVs: Everyone is listed in one place, according to the local program that you are a part of. You will have access to the system to update your contact information and report your volunteer service. No more paper log sheets!! You will be able to mark areas of interest for volunteering so that agents have a better idea of asking when there is a project need.
- For Agents: Projects are listed in the system, offering searchable results for end-of-year reporting. Volunteers help share the responsibility of keeping information up-to-date. The system offers an efficient communication tool to all MGEVs. It is easy to monitor the progress of trainees or the active status of others. End-of-year reporting, as well as monthly data, are available at the click of a button. No more paper reports!!
- For the SPO: There will be a direct means of communicating with MGEVs across the state. It will be much easier to promote training opportunities for current, active MGEVs. Annual reporting will have greater detail about the projects conducted locally. Statewide impacts will be better understood. WE will still have an annual paper report to make available!!!
I have worked before with online recordkeeping systems for MGEVs. Although there is an initial learning curve, my experience is that MGEVs catch on quickly and really enjoy the system. It is so much easier to keep track of volunteer time and project results.
I am often asked, “What about the people who do not have Internet access?” No problem. For those few, we still have the paper forms and we will help you report that information so that it is included in annual reports. The contributions of everyone are so important to telling our story, to explaining what we do and accomplish.
So, if all goes well, this new system will launch in January 2014. We will finish 2013 with the same way we have reported time and hours for years. Starting at the first of the year, we will transition to the new system. I am working with agents over the coming months to prepare for this transition. We will have multiple training sessions for Agents, staff, and MGEVs so that everyone is comfortable with the system and has a chance to get their questions answered.
Now, “MG Recordkeeping System” sounds a little boring, but we’re having a hard time figuring out what to name it! What would you call it? Send me some suggestions!
PS: More information will be available during our September MGEV Update with Sheri Dorn 9:30-10:30 am on September 11, 2013, conducted via webinar. Watch for a link to the online session in September issues of The Snippets, The Volunteer Vine or here.