Have you seen the details on the latest Advanced Training offered to MGEVs? We have a full fall line-up that SURELY has something you are interested in! We’ll talk plants and sites and youth, and we’ll also covered some of those “required” topics, like leadership and making presentations. Lots of topics and training categories for all of you working on silver and gold stars or just plain wanting to learn more.
Many of you have lamented that you cannot travel to the various places where training has been offered. Some of you recall training sessions a few years ago where you listened to morning lectures transmitted over the Internet, then spent the afternoon session in hands-on study of various IPM-related topics. You seem to like the combination of lecture and activity, text book and reality, that this training format offered. Plus, it was offered simultaneously in several locations, so you did not have to go far to participate.
So, we’re using our first and last ATs this fall to pilot some distance training techniques. Our first training session, “Making a Great Presentation,” will be conducted in three different meeting times spread over three months. We’ll meet online for an hour-and-a-half on September 18, October 9, and November 6. During this “class” time, I will use a combination of moderation and lecture to teach you how to build effective presentations, convey basics about software like PowerPoint, and a little bit about researching and pulling it all together. If you attended the “Creative Teaching Techniques” training last fall, you learned about creative approaches to teaching and learning. This training backs up a little bit and looks at the actual presentation part. This training is perfect for those of you who want to be a part of speakers’ bureaus, whether as the speaker or as a presentation developer to support the speakers.
Now, don’t misunderstand! You don’t get to hide behind that screen of yours and drink your coffee! There are assignments that everyone will have to work on in between on-line meetings. That’s part of the reason for spreading out the training. I want you to have plenty of time to process what we are learning, practice it, and come back to the group with some lessons learned. The whole point of training is that you actually learn to do something new and build your skills!
I will also be learning from you during this particular training. I am learning how best to build your skills with a different training method. I am watching for use of the technology accessible to us, for comfort in meeting virtually, for ways to make it simple and smooth. I get to apply what I have learned by the time we come together for our last fall AT, “Cleanscapes: Landscapes, Septic Systems, and You.” This training is actually part of a project being led by the Center for Urban Agriculture, but the training is available to any current, active MGEV. I’ll be posting more details in the coming weeks.
I like to learn as much as you do, so I am thrilled to be trying something new! I am also happy to provide answers and alternatives when MGEVs voice a concern; in this case, it’s training accessible without a lot of travel that targets a specific request I have heard repeatedly. I can’t always fix everything, but I listen for the things that I can. If you are interested in any of these trainings, be sure to contact your local Extension agent or program assistant. Registration forms have already been sent to agents for the “Making a Great Presentation” training. You’ll find up-to-date details for this fall’s Advanced Training offerings on the News and Events page of our website. Check back frequently as we keep posting new information.
Hope to see you at Advanced Training very soon!