A website from UGA Cooperative Extension


  • Corn:  Southern corn rust is now confirmed in 7 adjoining fields in Baker County.  I don’t think it is a coincidence that we are finding it now; development is following the rain periods of recent weeks.  I expect (stay tuned) to have more identified very soon.  Bottom line:  I think that the amount of southern…

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  • Dr. Bob  Kemerait gives a row crop disease update Soybeans: Asian soybean rust is still lightly scattered from Decatur County to Appling County, but has only been found so far in KUDZU.  Soybean rust is certainly not a major problem at the moment; however it could become so.  Management options are to protect the crop…

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  • Dr. Bob Kemerait gives row crop disease update: DISEASES of PEANUT:  White mold and leaf spot aren’t breaking lose in every peanut field in Georgia, BUT hot temperatures, high humidity and frequent rains have created near-perfect conditions for the development, spread and, sometimes, explosion of these diseases.  Growers need to stay on a good fungicide…

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  • Five row crop and vegetable production meetings are currently scheduled in Lowndes County. Commercial (cat. 21), and private pesticide credit will be given with each meeting to all license holders who attend and sign in.  Please call the office (333-5185) a few days ahead if you plan to attend so that plans can be made…

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  • Scouting Update

    Cotton: Stink bugs are the main pest to be scouting for right now. Also be looking out for spider mites and whiteflies. These insects are important when deciding on an insecticide to spray. A good phone app to help with insecticide choice is the GA Cotton Insect Advisor App. Bacterial blight has been reported in…

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