Volunteers help grow our future leaders and Long County 4-H is always in need of help to assist in 4-H Clubs, community events and chaperoning youth on various trips. 4-H offers a variety of opportunities for volunteer service in youth development programming. We hope you will find your niche with us and share your time and talents in building our next generation of leaders.
Some of the opportunities you would be able to do as a Long County 4-H Volunteer:
- Become a Judging Team Coach (Horse Club, Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging and Poultry Judging were teams that Long County has had in the past and I know the 4-H’ers would love to have back again!)
- Serve with Military Outreach (We have many students in Long County that have a parent working at Ft. Stewart)
- Judge Project Achievement
- Coach a Shooting Sports Team (Archery is a very popular one that students have been asking to bring back!)
- Chaperone at Camps or Conferences (We are currently looking for volunteers to chaperone with Cloverleaf and Junior Camp this year – especially a bus driver that would be willing to help us get there and back!)
- Lead a Community or Special Interest Club (i.e. Garden Club, Cooking Club, Adulting 101 Club, Pet Club, Truck Club, STEM Club, etc.)
Be the positive change one child needs to succeed! 4-H clubs provide youth with the opportunities to grow and develop skills in leadership, citizenship, communications, and project work. Through experiential based activities led by our enthusiastic volunteers, youth will cultivate the confidence, curiosity, and inspiration they need to be successful in all their life endeavors. We’d love to work with you!

Note: There are documents you will have to fill out and give to the Extension Office. You must be at 18 years old and at least complete the Volunteer Agreement form. If you’d like to work with youth, the Volunteer Application must be completed. The Volunteer Application includes 3 non-related references, passing a background check, and completing an online training called Georgia 4-H: Working with Youth & Managing Risk. If you’d like to be a Volunteer driver, you must also pass a Motor Vehicle screening that is included in the Volunteer Application.
Help us plant the seeds for greatness in our youth by becoming a positive role model for our young people and watch as 4-H’ers build friendships, memories and skills! For more information regarding volunteering, visit the Volunteer page on the Georgia 4-H website.
Are you ready to pledge your Head, Heart, Hands, and Health to building a brighter future for Long County’s youth? Contact our office today: (912) 545-9549.