This past year has certainly had its ups and downs, but the extension office has received too many blessings to count. As we head into Thanksgiving, here are a few things our office is thankful for!

Robyn Stewart, Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent and County Extension Coordinator:

“I am thankful for a community that opened their arms to me a year ago and has made me feel welcome and supported every step of the way! From our Board of Commissioners and Board of Education to teachers, producers, homeowners, and everyone else, I am so appreciative of you. Living in a small town has been everything I ever hoped it would be. On the business end, I am thankful to have the resources from Lincoln County and UGA in order to make an impact—from our beautiful new building to a fully-staffed office, award winning programs, and exciting plans for 2021! On a personal note, I can’t neglect to mention my own friends and family, who are always present and encouraging me to be my best. In the midst of a challenging year, I am thankful for an abundance of smiles, prayers, and positive attitudes that encourage me that God’s best is yet to come for each and every one of us.”

Colbi Turner, Administrative Assistant:

“First, I’m thankful for having a roof above my head and walls around me and my family. I’m thankful for having two healthy, smart, funny, kind, sweet boys, who bring light to my life every day. I’m thankful for having a big wonderful family that support me. I’m especially thankful for my parents for pouring endless love on my children. I’m thankful for all my good friends who have become more like family then just friends. I know in my heart that they are always there for me. Lastly, I’m thankful for having a job that I absolutely LOVE and for being able to be proud at what I do.“

Johannah Stone, 4-H Program Assistant

“While this year definitely brought a lot of craziness, it also brought many things I am thankful for. For one, I am so thankful to be able to serve Lincoln County as 4-H Program Assistant. I’m loving getting to know everyone! I’m thankful for each of the 4-H Club meetings that I have been able to hold with Lincoln County Schools and students, and for everyone’s ingenuity in planning during 2020 to make that happen. I’m thankful for my co-workers that they are genuinely a pleasure to interact with each day, and that so far, they haven’t gotten tired of my humor.

I’m thankful for my family, for so many reasons. For their never-ending patience with my corny jokes and pranks and for their good health. If I got to choose my family, I would choose them every time.

I’m also thankful for my Father, for his sense of humor, and that I inherited a version of it. I’ll arrange an entire bag of potatoes by “size order” on the counter for him to find when he gets home from work, just because the thought of him finding it made me giggle. I’ll get home, and find that he’s added sticky notes with corrections. “This potato IS longer than the other one, but it’s not as wide. Therefore, this potato needs to go first in line.” I absolutely love it.”

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