2022 Highlights
Office Contacts
- 2,779 individuals sought assistance from Lincoln County Extension in the form of phone calls, face-to-face office meetings, and emails.
- 67 site visits were made upon request of clients with 42 issues or concerns diagnosed.
- 147 samples were submitted to UGA Agriculture Laboratories, through the Lincoln County Extension Office, primarily for soil, water, and micro-bacterial testing.
Agriculture and Natural Resources Programs
- 59 educational sessions were taught in the areas of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- 33 additional events and programs were coordinated with assistance from the ANR agent.
- 1,778 participants in programs representing international, national, state, and local audiences.
- 100% of programs show an increase in knowledge of participants and intended behavioral changes to improve management practices!
- Professional Successes:
- 3 Presentations Accepted + Given at 2022 NACAA Annual Conference
- National Finalist: NACAA Communications Award: Feature Story
- State Winner- GACAA Poultry Programming Award
- State Winner – Epsilon Sigma Phi Young Professional Award
- 1st Place: GACAA Extension Education Presentation Competition
- 2nd Place Poster: Northeast District Research Symposium
- 3rd Place Poster: GACAA Extension Education Poster Contest
4-H Programming
- Current enrollment: 157 4-H’ers
- 42 Core Club Meetings held in-school
- 3 Participants in District Project Achievement
- 2 Attendees at 4-H Summer Camp
- 30 Participants in Summer Reading Programs
- 30 additional opportunities for 4-H’ers to fundraise, provide service, and learn about agriculture including: Farm Safety Camp, 4-H Horse Shows (2), Farm Day for Pre-K, District Project Achievement, Summer Camp, Recipes & Reading, Farmyard Fun Summer Reading, Conservation Day for Youth, and more!
FACS Programming
- Lincoln County does not have a current FACS agent but collaborates with neighboring Elbert County FACS agent Christa Campbell to answer FACS related questions. We also offered a food preservation course with Christa in 2022.
Additional Highlights
- 48 articles written for the Lincoln-McCormick Journal Messenger
- 4 peer-reviewed publications accepted in the Journal of Extension and UGA Publication system
- 1 podcast hosted with Extension Horses
- Lincoln County Ag Center used for over 25 events, meetings, and programs.
- 2 Facebook Pages and Extension website maintained with regular updates