Did you know that the UGA Soil, Plant, and Water Laboratory provides testing services and expert recommendations for resource management to Georgia residents? Soil and water testing is essential for homeowners and producers alike, but there are a variety of other tests that Lincoln County Extension can provide. A soil test is used to determine…
We are officially in my least favorite part of summer – it is hot and dry out there, with still more to come before the cooler weather of fall. While we were fortunate to have quite a bit of rain in June, that seems to have slowed down. It’s important that homeowners pay attention to…
Posted in: Water -
Every year, our Extension office gets a number of client inquiries looking for assistance with ponds. The level of involvement and assistance that Extension can provide regarding ponds has changed over time, so we frequently have to refer clients to other resources. This week, I wanted to clarify what pond-related things Extension can help you…
Posted in: Water -
Most everyone knows to pass on the coffee, sweet tea and energy drinks and opt for more water, but it isn’t always that simple. Healthy water consumption takes effort and commitment, but it is an effort that is well worth it. Water is vital to the health of the human body, providing for everything from…
In the last few weeks, a recurring question in the Extension office is about pond algae, pond water testing, and managing aquatic weeds. Algae and weed overgrowth is one of the most common problems for pond owners and can be unsightly at best and dangerous for fish and other animals at worst. If you have…
Posted in: Water -
Robyn Stewart By Robyn Stewart All living creatures require access to clean, fresh water in order to sustain biological functions. Public water systems are monitored and treated by the government to ensure they are safe for human consumption. In rural areas of Georgia many residents rely on private water systems, predominantly wells. While the majority…
Posted in: Water -
Robyn Stewart Here in the Southeast, we are no stranger to a variety of summer weather but over the past month we have watched the typical Georgia summer devolve into a severe region-wide drought. The October 8th Georgia Drought Monitor identified that over 50% of the state is in a state of severe drought and…