Is your child interested in a field trip to Rock Eagle 4-H Center? Are they passionate about an animal, sport, hobby, or other interest? Georgia 4-H Cloverleaf District Project Achievement (DPA) is quickly approaching! DPA is designed to empower youth with necessary skills for use throughout their lifetime. In this contest, 4-H’ers develop skills in leadership, creativity, research, public speaking, record keeping, and more. Cloverleaf DPA is open to 5th and 6th graders in Lincoln County. The 2023 Northeast District Cloverleaf DPA Competition will be held at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, GA on Saturday, February 18th, 2023. If you have a student interested in signing up for DPA, please contact us ASAP at or 706-359-3233!

What is DPA?

            District Project Achievement is a 4-H event where students choose a topic of interest to them, build a short speech and poster, and present their information to others in a 2-3-minute speech. The rest of the day, students are free to explore the Rock Eagle 4-H Center, participate in fun activities and games, and receive awards for their efforts. Cloverleaf DPA will be held on February 18, 2023 at Rock Eagle 4-H Center. We usually leave Lincolnton by 7:30 or 8 AM and return by 5PM.

What are the benefits of DPA?

            DPA teaches students hands-on learning as they research their topic and self-confidence as they share their newfound knowledge with peers and judges. Students learn how to research a topic, structure and write a speech, and practice their public-speaking skills. Each presentation is scored and the top 3 from each topic receive awards.

What topics can my student choose from?

            There are 62 topic areas available for presentation at DPA. Some, like the sports categories, are very competitive and have a lot of students interested. We can only take 4 students per topic category on a first-come, first-served basis, so if your student knows their topic, let Mrs. Goble know ASAP!

What does DPA cost?

            At this time, Lincoln County Extension/4H is able to cover the expenses for all of the entry fees and poster materials for students. Parents will be asked to send “fun money” for snacks or prizes at Rock Eagle.

It takes an army for our students to compete and be successful at things like DPA. Lincoln County Extension would like to extend a sincere thank you to our sponsors and supporters. Further thanks are due to all parents, teachers, school staff, and transportation staff for their collaborative efforts in preparing students for DPA success. If you know a child who is interested in participating in DPA please reach out and let us know at or 706-359-3233.

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