Main points (next to black bars) written by Clint Waltz, Turfgrass Specialist. For turfgrass sod where the roots originate at the soil surface, dormant sodding is a more risky endeavor. Soil temperatures at or near the soil surface are more likely to fluctuate, closely mimicking the ambient air temperatures. Therefore, if the air temperature is…
Revised by Clint Waltz, Turfgrass Specialist and Alfredo Martinez, Turfgrass PathologistAdapted from original manuscript prepared by Drs. E.A. Brown, Retired UGA Extension Plant Pathologist andG. Landry, Retired UGA Extension Agronomist Highlighted notes are additions from MC Halbrook, Glynn and McIntosh Counties Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent The key to disease control is a healthy plant.…
Posted in: Lawns -
This morning there was a lovely chill in the air that has me dreaming of fall weather. We are still expecting rainy days and summer heat for a while, but it is nice to look ahead. If you will, look even further ahead to winter. Now is the time to plan for treating your lawn…
Posted in: Lawns -
People all over social media are buzzing about this 13-year cicada emergence! You see things like “invasion” and “America’s Cicada ‘apocalypse.’” Numbers are projected at millions or even trillions of bugs emerging. In 2024, we will see the emergence of both 13-year and 17-year cicadas in addition to the cicadas that emerge every year. For…
Summer weeds? Already? Yes, even though it is February, now is the best time to think about treating for weeds you see in the summer. At this time of year, we will apply Pre-emergent herbicides. For some vocabulary: Pre-emergent: applied prior to weed seed germination and emergence Post emergent: applied as spot treatment directly to…
As we enter the cold seasons, it can be stressful to prepare your gardens. This can be especially worrisome along the Georgia Coast as we prepare for warm winters but can experience unexpected frosts and freezes. The cooler temperatures today are certainly welcome after a blistering summer. However, you may have questions seeping in as…
March 21-27, 2023 The week of March 21-27, 2023 is designated National Ag Week. Georgia sets aside the 21-25 to celebrate at the state level. We all should use this time to thank the men and women who work so hard to grow, harvest, transport, and sell our agricultural commodities. In Glynn and McIntosh Counties,…
This weekend would be a great time to treat if you know that you have issues with crabgrass in your lawn. Our specialists recommend treating for Crabgrass from February 15-March 5 for our part of the state. Crabgrass is difficult to treat while it is growing. Because of this, your best course of action is…
Posted in: Lawns