Guest Submissions

The Georgia 4-H Science Programs Blog accepts guest authors.  UGA Extension/4-H professionals are invited to submit a blog post for review and possible publication.  Interested authors should complete the form.  Kasey Bozeman, Extension 4-H Specialist for Science & Environmental Education, will contact you shortly. 

Blog posts are great ways to share personal experiences, great resources, and high-impact programs.  When considering a topic for your post, remember that posts are short (250-1,000 words) and generally more informal in nature.  Blog posts are typically more of a “conversation” and connect with the reader on a personal level. 

Ideas include …

  • review of science resource and ideas on integrating into 4-H programming 
  • summary of a successful 4-H science event
  • personal thoughts about a science topic/quote
  • book review 

 Resources for Writing Blog Posts: