Since we missed Aprils find, this month we have two finds to share!
Wool Sower Galls
While walking around Lake McIntosh, Wool Sower Galls were found growing on these white oaks. This plant growth forms on the plant by the secretions of a tiny gall wasp grub, Callirhytis seminator. This gall is specific to white oaks and are found only during the spring. When the gall is pulled apart, small seed-like structures are where the wasp grub is developing. These wasps are harmless to people and they are hardly ever abundant enough to cause harm to white oaks.
If you find something fun, please feel free to bring it in for our feature in June.
Photos submitted by: C. Rhoad, Fayette County 4-H Agent

Kim Toal, is the Fayette County Extension Coordinator and Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources. For more information on gardening in Fayette County, contact Fayette County Extension at 770-305-5412 or online at