Agents, You are probably getting a lot of questions about freeze protection. Attached is something that may help growers along with what I have written below. For homeowners the best option is to put a heat lamp under their trees with a blanket on top when the temperatures are below freezing. I am about to…
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Earlier this week I received calls about worms inside the house or apartment. Each caller made it clear that they kept a clean home. One lady wondered if they were coming in through the drain. One of the callers brought me a bag full of these worms while another caller sent me a picture via…
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Webinar: Fire Ants and Nuisance Ants Pests of the Southeastern U.S. Organizers and Sponsors: University of Georgia, University of Florida, Auburn University, North Carolina State University, and Clemson University Date: April 21, 2022 Time: 2:00 to 5:00 PM (EST) Platform: Zoom Webinar Cost: $0 Register Here: https://fireants_0421.eventbrite.com. Soon after registration, you will receive a confirmation from…
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Your lawn has been nice and not asked for anything in the last few months except for an occasional drink of water. You probably gave it a dose of weed killer to control winter annuals and a pre-emergence herbicide to prevent the seeds of summer annuals from germinating. Other than that, your lawn has been…
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For months I have been babying my clematis and passion vine that are planted in the same pot. I thought I almost lost them back when we received about four inches of rain one late afternoon in April. The rain came so fast and filled the pot to the point where water was spilling over…
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July 14, 2021 by J Morgan & E Bauske Leave a Comment Nothing is more welcoming in the office, waiting room, or conference room than lush greenery. The benefits of plants in the workplace are well documented. They remove pollutants, help workers relax and refocus, increase productivity, and make the office look better. So why aren’t they everywhere?…
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Mealybugs are similar to scale insects; however, they secrete a white waxy material over their bodies. Mealybugs also move about on the host plant to feed. Mealybugs are most susceptible to insecticide applications when they are young and have not formed a thick covering over their bodies. Control options Select plant material that is not…
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The weather is warm and people are starting to work in the yard more. You may have spotted some small black grasshoppers with one or more orange, yellow or red stripes on their front legs, and down the middle of their body. These are young lubbers or as we locals call them “Georgia Thumpers.” These…
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Mar 8, 2021 | Written by Gary Hawkins Today’s posting written by Gary L. Hawkins and Martin Wunderly As part of National Groundwater Awareness Week, today we would like to discuss well water testing. If your water is from a municipal water system, the providers are required to conduct routine testing; however, if you are a homeowner and…
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