Recent Posts
Sweet Corn Growers, Stripling Irrigation Research Park is hosting a Sweet Corn Production Workshop at SIRP on Tuesday July 22. Here’s the tentative schedule for the Workshop at SIRP: 9am – Welcome (Calvin Perry) 9:10am – Fertility and Varieties (Tim Coolong) 9:30am – Insect Management (Stormy Sparks) 9:50am – Weed Management (Andy Shirley) 10:10am…
Posted in: Vegetables -
I am getting a lot of questions about bermudagrass stem maggot and how to manage it from Colquitt County hay producers. According to Dr. Dennis Hancock, UGA Forage Agronomist, low levels are being monitored around the state. In Colquitt County bermudagrass fields, me and Amber Arrington, Colquitt County Extension agent, are also monitoring low levels of BSM. It…
PEANUT Rx: I have been getting questions about peanut fungicide programs. Peanut RX is a way to determine your risk level for leaf spot and soil borne disease, and use the most conservative fungicide program as a base for developing your per field prescription spray program. Using “prescription” fungicide programs based upon risk…
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Vegetable producers, Below are a few words from Stormy Sparks, UGA Vegetable Entomologist, on the current insect situation in vegetables. Southern armyworm have been reported in multiple tomato fields. This is not unusual. What is unusual is that they have been hard to kill. They have been reported to have come through a…
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University of Georgia Extension has some of the best Extension Agents in the U.S.! Some of the best examples can be found on our Forage Extension Team. They have co-written a newsletter series entitled Georgia Forage News. The latest edition addresses three major topics: 1) summer annual forages, 2) weed control strategies for pastures and…
Dennis Hancock, UGA Forage Agronomist, is organizing a webinar on stem maggot. Join us on May 20th at 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. from the comfort of your own home or office. We will be broadcasting a webinar with the latest information about the bermudagrass stem maggot and other forage insects. The webinar is free…
If it dries up long enough to apply post emerge herbicides on cotton, below are a few tips on minimizing injury from topical herbicides. 1. Avoid heavy dew (pooling when spray) on cotton plants. 2. Avoid extreme conditions (wet, dry, cold, hot). 3. Avoid “Thripy” cotton. 4. Additional additives (other than those labeled) will increase…
Posted in: Cotton -
1. Avoid heavy dew (pooling when spray) on cotton plants. 2. Avoid extreme conditions (wet, dry, cold, hot). 3. Avoid “Thripy” cotton. 4. Additional additives (other than those labeled) will increase injury without improving weed control. 5. Apply proper GPA; low GPA may increase injury. 6. Succulent growing cotton is more sensitive. 7. Cotton growth…
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I have received some questions about Reflex and its application to watermelon, squash, and pumpkin. These new herbicidal tools are a result of cooperative efforts involving The University of Georgia, Syngenta, IR-4, The Georgia Department of Agriculture, The Georgia Agricultural Commission for Vegetables, and Industry. It is critical that county agents help growers understand that…
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