Someone on the NWS Peachtree City’s Facebook page today asked how the observed rainfall from Debby compared to the predicted amount. While Debby is still dropping some rain in Georgia, South Carolina and points north, here is a preliminary comparison. Below is a comparison of the reported and the forecast amounts. The comparison is actually really good, especially along the path of the storm in southeastern GA and South Carolina. The highest amounts I saw from UGA Weather Network stations was 13.74 inches in Glennville southwest of Savannah and 11.89 inches in Statesboro northeast of Savannah, which match the forecast very well. I’d say that this was a very successful forecast! The least successful part of the forecast was the western edge, which received less rainfall than expected, but the maxima were very close.

Here is the map of rainfall observations provided by the NWS office:

Here is the rainfall forecast for 7 days as of Saturday night, August 3: