I saw an article on Yahoo News about La Nina making tornado season more severe this year. And if you look at the overall tornado season for the country, that seems to be true. But previous research has shown that the area of the most tornadoes just shifts, so that areas west of us get more severe weather and here in the Southeast, we get less, at least if you are in Florida, Georgia and southern Alabama. Other areas see more frequent occurrences. The Yahoo article is at https://news.yahoo.com/2021-tornado-season-may-more-192313675.html. The research on how ENSO affects severe weather is available at https://www.climate.gov/news-features/featured-images/el-ni%C3%B1o-and-la-ni%C3%B1a-affect-spring-tornadoes-and-hailstorms. Remember, even a less active season can still bring tornadoes, hail and strong winds to the area, just makes it a little less likely.