A new set of maps produced by the research and technology nonprofit First Street Foundation shows that FEMA estimates of areas prone to flooding may be underestimating the number of properties that are at risk by as much as 6 million, which would bring the total number to 14.6 million, according to a Bloomberg article at https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2020-flood-risk-zone-us-map/. In the Southeast, the biggest increases were in the mountainous areas of the Southern Appalachians, while some areas along the coast actually show a decrease. The methods used for the analysis use a finer-scale map of properties and include the effects of levees and flood plains to make the estimate. The article allows you hover over your county to see the likely change and also provides a link to enter your own address to see what flood risk you are in. It also addresses likely changes due to climate change; that shows that coastal areas are, as expected, the most likely to see increased flood risk in the future.