The NC Forest Service and the the NC Wildlife Resources Commission have teamed up with NC State University Extension Forestry, with support from the USDA Forest Service, to offer forest landowners these special 2-hour workshops with dinner.
If you have managed forestland in the areas around Holly Shelter Game Lands, Angola Bay and Bear Gardens or near Ft. Bragg and Camp Mackall, you will enjoy learning about the FORCES program designed around your specific area.
These workshops are made possible through a program called FORCES which is a joint partnership that includes the NC Forest Service (NCFS), the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), Camp Lejeune, and Fort Bragg. The goal for this partnership is to recognize and assist landowners who are voluntarily managing their woodlands in areas that are crucial to military training.
Speakers from the NC Forest Service, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, and the NCSU Extension Forestry will cover topics such as management planning, conservation incentive programs, wildlife habitat quality, and land uses that are compatible with our national security.
You can learn more and register at
Attend this workshop on Tuesday, September 20
Pender County Extension |
Attend this workshop on Thursday, September 22
Cumberland County Extn. |