The cold and dry air moving into the state late this week could lead to scattered frost this weekend in low-lying areas that are prone to experiencing cold air drainage. The NWS in Peachtree City has put out an advisory slide on their home page warning about the possibility Saturday through Monday mornings. Not all areas in northern Georgia will receive frost, but some areas that are low-lying are more likely to have the coldest air flow downslope and collect in the low pockets, increasing the chance of frost in those locations.
You might be wondering if this is early. Here is their map for the first autumn frost. According to their map, northeast Georgia gets its first frost right around October 10, so it is about a week after the average date this year.
You can get more tabular frost probability information from the Southeast Regional Climate Center at Choose your state and station and look on the left hand side for the fall freeze probabilities. AgroClimate also has frost information for each county at