The weather did not cooperate very well last week when we looked at the Cotton Defoliation Trial and still looks like it is questionable this week. If you get a chance, please stop by the Cotton Defoliation Trial at Lee and Charley Cromley’s and take a look at the results. The treatments were applied on September 14. The trial has not had a lot of sunshine on it since the application was made, but the effects from the treatments are becoming more noticeable.
Field Location: Intersection of South Wynn Rd. & Rushing Rd.
(GPS Coordinates: N 32.385877° E -81.709069°)
The first Rep in the trial has been signed and the second Rep number is also on the sign. It should be easy to follow. I am also including the Cotton Defoliation Demonstration Protocol and Cotton Defoliation in Georgia information provided by Dr. Jared Whitaker in below link:
2015 Cotton Demonstration and Defoliation Information
Thanks to Lee and Charley for allowing us to spray the different treatments in their cotton field. Please let me know if you have any questions.