Get any rain? Growers this morning are probably more concerned with putting their fields back together than with disease, wondering if they need to put out more fertilizer.
But diseases and nematodes are certainly an issue NOW. Examples: conditions are PERFECT with wet soils for seed rots and seedling diseases. Also, what about Telone “kill zones” after so much rain? Lastly, one grower I talked to estimated he is put behind by 10 days with this rain, how will the “domino effect” of delayed planting increase risk to diseases like Tomato spotted wilt on peanut?
To answer at least the last question, thanks to Dr. Joe LaForest, Peanut Rx 2021, a collaborative effort between UGA, UF, Auburn, Clemson, and Mississippi State, is now online.
Your growers can find Peanut Rx 2021 at, “”, and on our UGA Peanut website “”.
Some notes for ease of use:
- When you first open the page (First picture attached), you will be directed immediately to the “Quick Risk Tool” where you enter your selection for each of the Peanut Rx factors from drop-down menus and your risk to Tomato spotted wilt, leaf spot, and white mold (Dr. Dufault, that’s the same thing as “stem rot”) will be provided based upon Peanut Rx 2021. Different field, etc., you can try again.
- In the upper right-hand corner of the opening risk page is a menu. Opening the menu will allow access to several other important resources.
- The first is an “ANALYTICAL” Tool. the analytical tool is much like the “Quick Risk Tool”; however it also includes a “Heat Map” that allows you to observe how varying selection of variety and planting date increases or decreases risk. Red is “higher” risk, Green is “low” risk and “Yellow” is moderate risk. This works better on a desk-top or lap-top computer, but can also be used on a smart phone.
- Also from the menu (and pictured above) are a) brief descriptions of the diseases assessed in Peanut Rx, b) the full text of Peanut Rx 2021, and c) links to other resources, especially the Peanut pages for each of the participating institutions. Industry Peanut Rx programs can be found on the UGA Peanut web page.
Please let your peanut growers know about this reference. Even if they only use the “Quick Risk Tool”, the information available through Peanut Rx is a compilation of the BEST we know as far as Research, Extension, and cooperation with the Industry for predicting risk to these diseases.
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
A BIG thanks to Dr. Joe LaForest at BugWood for making this happen; his help has been absolutely critical. Also a big thanks to Dr. Barry Tillman for his “vision” of the analytic tool.
I know NE and NW Districts may not care that much about Peanut Rx, but I didn’t want you to feel left-out this morning.
Thanks for all you do. And Glen, thanks in advance for a soil fertility update, you are the MAN!