- Thanks to strong efforts from Dr. Joe “The Man” LaForest with Bugwood and Tracey Vellidis, we now have an automated version of “Peanut Rx 2020” on the UGA Peanut Extension website. I will be putting the current Industry Peanut Rx programs up there as well. A tremendous “thanks” to Joe for the programming and effort, and to Dr. Barry Tillman for his inspiration as well. More to follow.
- Much, but not all, of our corn is planted now. Talking with Rome Ethredge yesterday, I recognize that some of our earliest corn is already at the V7 stage and “knee high”. Please remember two things for our corn producers. First, now is an excellent time to observe early-season stunting and damage from nematodes. Fields where growth and vigor are suppressed, especially in sandier areas of the fields, could be affected by nematodes. Those areas should be sampled (at some point) this season to determine nematode populations. 2. The V8-V10 growth stages (when corn is generally between knee and chest high) is an important time to consider using a fungicide for management of northern and southern corn leaf blights. I would not automatically “spray” for these diseases; however I would put some “footprints” in the field and check for them. Wet weather, a warm spring, and a susceptible variety could add to a problem with these two diseases. If a grower does initiate a spray for control of early-season foliar diseases, they should insure timeliness, coverage, and choice of a fungicide with a mixed mode of action.
- Cotton growers have their “fingers on the planting trigger” now. They should remember that this is their one, best chance to fight nematodes, bacterial blight, seedling diseases, and, perhaps, CLRDV (Cotton leafroll dwarf virus). I strongly encourage cotton growers (even as they despair about prices) to consider how they can use resistant varieties in their programs and also how they can use nematicides, seed treatments, and in-furrow fungicides, if need be. (I know, I hear you, “Bob, you sure like to spend our money….”
- Asian soybean rust continued to ONLY be found in Seminole County on kudzu. We continue to scout.
- Peanut farmers are soon to put seed in the ground. Remember that the one, best chance for nematode, seedling disease, and Tomato spotted wilt management occurs at planting. Variety selection, use of a pre-plant or in-furrow nematicide, use of Peanut Rx, use of an in-furrow fungicide, if needed, are all opportunities available at, and only at, planting. Be informed.