Volunteer Peanut Control in Field Corn (Prostko)
Roundup Ready Corn: Split applications of glyphosate at least 10 days apart. Glyphosate can be applied over-the-top of field corn up to V8 stage or 30″ whichever comes first. Drop nozzles or lay-by applicator should be used when corn is 30″ to 48″ tall.
Liberty-Link Corn: Split applications of Liberty (glufosinate) at least 7 days apart. Liberty can be applied over-the-top up to V6 stage of growth. For corn 24″ to 36″ tall, apply with drop nozzles or lay-by rig.
Conventional Corn: Split applications of dicamba @ 0.25 lb ae/A applied EPOST (8″ tall corn) + lay-by (up to 36″ tall corn). These dicamba applications must be separated by at least 14 days. An alternative treatment would be dicamba (EPOST) followed by Evik (lay-by).
**Atrazine can also be included in any of these EPOST applications as long as corn is < 12″ tall.