A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Vidalia Onion

  • Seedbed Time

    Seedbed Time Again Yes, another Vidalia Onion growing season has started.  Folks have been busy planting seedbeds for the last 2 or 3 weeks.  We’ve had several hot days during this time, and folks are busy running irrigation to help the seed come up.  It has also been very dry and rain has not been…

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  • As we are gearing up for another season, I wanted to share with you our recently updated onion budget.  The onion budget is created in Microsoft Excel, which gives you the opportunity to plug in the numbers for your operation and see how they compare to our budget.  As you review this budget, there are…

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  • The agenda has been set for the annual Vidalia Onion Production Meeting.  Please join us on Thursday, August 15th, 2019 at 12:00 noon at the Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center.  We will have lunch, sponsored by AgSouth, and some very timely updates for onion growers and the industry.  Please see the flyer for the…

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  • I know everyone has started ordering onion seed for the upcoming season, so I wanted to share the yield and flavor from the 2018-2019 season with you.  We will have lots more detailed information for you at the Annual Production Meeting on August 15th, so be sure to mark your calendars so you can attend.…

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  • Onion Crop Insurance Listening Session Please see the flyer below about an upcoming meeting on onion crop insurance.  This will be a good opportunity for anyone to voice their concerns about the crop insurance program for onions.

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  • Quick Facts About Black Mold in Onions There have been some questions about Black Mold in onions the last couple of weeks.  I wanted to share with you what we know about the disease, and some possible considerations on management. For many of you, this may be old news, but I wanted to share some…

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  • Vidalia Onion Field Day Thursday, April 4th, 2019 Our annual Vidalia Onion Field Day is coming up soon!  Please see the flyer below for details about this year’s event.

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  • Onion Crop Update, March 5,2019 There has been a lot going on in the Vidalia Onion world lately.   Growers have been busy managing for disease, insects, and fertility on their crops.  I have been trying to get out and visit county agents and growers, and I still have a lot more to look at.  Please…

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  • Downy Mildew Update

  • Here’s the February 2019 Farm Monitor Update featuring grower Aries Haygood and Toombs County Extension Agent Jason Edenfield.  Click the picture below to watch.

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