Soybeans – We know soybean rust is active now in kudzu across southern Georgia. That is the “spark”. This weather is like “gasoline” to that spark, so I expect soybean rust to spread further in kudzu and eventually to soybeans. Growers will need to be prepared when their beans start to bloom. Corn – Still…
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The 2021 Georgia Ag Forecast presented by faculty in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics and the Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development is open for registration. Keynote topics include agritourism in the state and COVID-19’s impact on agriculture. Date: Friday, Jan. 29Time: 9:30-11:30 a.m. Following the keynote presentations, there will be four breakout sessions…
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The annual GA Ag Forecast Meeting will be held virtually on Friday, January 29, beginning at 9:30 a.m. You can register at: https://agforecast.caes.uga.edu/ The meeting will focus on Agritourism. Tourism is a $66.3 billion industry in Georgia that contributes to the growth and revenue of both small and large businesses. Agritourism is a major sector…
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2021 row crop production meetings will look different this year due to Covid-19 restrictions. At this time, there are four production meetings scheduled for each commodity. Each of these meetings will hosted through Zoom. Pesticide credits will still be offered at these meetings. We are also in the process of planning to offer a limited…
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Please find our preliminary 2020 Cotton Variety Trial results posted below. It is important to note, data is still being collected for the 2020 season and final results will be published soon. However, I wanted to go ahead and share these results now since many growers are already thinking about 2021 variety selection. These variety…
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Turner and Wilcox County UGA Extension is glad to announce we will be hosting the virtual 2021 Master Cattleman Program. Registration has been reduced to $20 per person due to the program being hosted in a virtual format. The pre-registration deadline is January 8th, 2021. To register for this program, complete the form on the…
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This week UGA Extension News, Georgia Farm Bureau and Georgia Department of Agriculture will announce the release of a second “Impact of COVID-19 on Agriculture Survey”. The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development faculty have modified and updated the first survey that was released in May 2020. Their hope is that farmers can now place…
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Early action is the key to controlling ryegrass and wild radish in wheat. Click here to access the UGA wheat weed control bulletin.
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